Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Avoiding Faculty Burnout

For June's Sloan-C workshop, I chose Avoiding Faculty Burnout. I chose the workshop because I did not know much about the topic. I wondered if burnout could be related to campus morale. The course started with the stress test at this link:

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Selection, Incorporation and Assessment of New and Emerging Technologies for Online Learning

This was an interesting class that I took through the Sloan-C workshops last month. Our professor helped us to simplify our selection process by weighing the following benefits of new technologies against possible negative effects of implementation:

Are learning outcomes significantly higher?
Is workload reduced for faculty and students?
Are student and faculty satisfaction increased?
Is the return on investment commensurate with outcomes?
Can student misconceptions or inaccurate information be easily corrected?

Is the new learning mechanism efficient?
Is it too easy for students to become distracted?
Will implementation require too many instructional design assets?
Is retention short or long term?

I also learned to treasure my early adopters and let the "laggards" go their own way.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Integrating Rich Media into ANGEL LMS

Attending the Angel User Conference in Chicago - last one, next year it's the Bb conference. Excellent conference as usual. This one was a little strange due to the news about the "merger", however since ANGEL 7.4 will occur, the workshops were still pertinent. ANGEL 7.4 has some new tools.

In ANGEL 7.4, Youtube videos and Picaso photos can be integrated with just one click on the link within the HTML editor. Of course if you are still using ANGEL 7.3, you can add gadget code by going to the code site, copying the code, and pasting it when you click on the View Source tool on the new page in ANGEL.

In ANGEL 7.4, gadgets can also be added to Course pages using the Custom Content nugget - add more gadgets to one nugget by adding code below each gadget.

Google, as usual, has some great gadgets
