Monday, May 16, 2011

Neatly Organized Ideas for Gaming with PowerPoint

Frequently I come across interesting resources that I just do not need at the moment but are sure to want in the future. Sometimes I use this blog as a way to keep the resource around for when it will come in handy. So today I share this website with you because it has a nice variety of games that you might create in PPT, and it's organized so you can read a nice summary and get the gist of how to create the game. I will be looking for games that will work well with clickers in the classroom, one of the brown bag lunch presentations I hope to do this fall. If you use any of the games, let me know how it went.


Monday, May 09, 2011

Final Project Time Again!

So here we are once again at the end of the semester. It's been a wild and crazy one for me and my family as well because we moved from our home in Western New York to our rental house in Denver, CO where as you probably know, I started a position as the instructional technologist for the Denver campus of Johnson & Wales University. Since I was already committed to teaching online for both Buffalo State College and Niagara County Community College back in WNY, I decided to try to stay on Eastern Time and that way I could get up at the crack of dawn, "teach" my three online classes and then be at work at JWU by a decent hour. Hopefully I can share some of what I have been doing with faculty at JWU soon but for now I want to share some examples of final projects my students have done this semester. This one is from Jonathan in my CIS205 class, Prinicples of Computer Security. He made a video to submit to the 2012 Cyberwatch Poster & Video contest.

Old man Jenkins talks about computer security and what hes learned in his online class Principals of Computer Security. (The video is located here
