Saturday, May 24, 2014

Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education in Action

list of objectives

This month we ran our first ever Online Pedagogy Course which  I created and our instructional chair, Karen Kaemmerling facilitated. Kudos to the new online faculty who participated in this mandatory course just prior to teaching their first online course this summer. The course is an intense eight days focusing on Arthur Chickering and Zelda Gamson published “Seven Principles for Good Practice in Undergraduate Education”. Participants gave the course high marks and many ideas were exchanged as they discussed and reflected on implementing the principles. Online Learning will run it again in August for new online faculty and any current faculty who have an interest in improving their course or in sharing their experiences with new online teachers may take the course as well.

Friday, May 02, 2014

Electronic Learning Consortium of Colorado

So right after I returned from Dallas, it was time to get ready for the eLearning Consortium of Colorado's once a year get together. This year the eLCC Conference was held in Breckenridge, Colorado and I am so glad about that! This is the first time I have attended this conference and frankly it was probably the best ever. The venue was Beaver Run Resort, a fantastic place even if you are not a skier! Great food, fairly easy to navigate, pools, hot tubs and clean, comfy rooms. Several restaurants, a huge bonfire right outside next to skiers and snowboarders.

But really the sessions were the best part, there was a large variety to choose from including faculty, instructional designer and administrator tracks for higher ed. I picked up plenty of new tools, not necessarily from presentations but from participants as well. I will share a few below. My co-worker in online learning, Karen Kaemmerling,  and I presented on our Online Course Quality Task Force and explained to attendees what we have accomplished so far as CMC begins it's instructional quality journey; our presentation was well received by about thirty participants. My final conference presentation for CMC comes in July (details TBA) at the Sloan-C Blended Learning Conference. I hope to see you there! was a very engaging keynote speaker

Constant Learning
News from FRCCCoach